Event date
14 / 07 / 2024 - Sunday 11:00
Organ Matinée
The Organ Matinee, a traditional morning concert featuring the royal instrument of the Church of Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Sorrows, will be led by female organist Michaela Káčerková this year. Káčerková will take us through a journey of compositions by South German School composers such as Johann Pachelbel, J. C. Kerll, Georg Muffat, and more. The program gradually builds up to Fischer’s Euterpe Suite, named after the ancient Muse of Music, as the Muses are the main theme of this year’s festival. The compositions create a pleasant contrast making this year’s concert a must-attend event for organ music lovers.
Michaela Káčerková – organ
Johann Pachelbel: Aria Prima (Hexachordum Apollinis)
Alessandro Marcello/Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto d moll
Johann Jakob Froberger: Fantasia sopra Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La
Johann Caspar Kerll: Passacaglia in d
Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer: Suita Euterpe (Musicalischer Parnassus)
Georg Muffat: Toccata Settima (Apparatus Musico – Organisticus)
Michaela Káčerková
The Czech organ player studied at the Prague Conservatory, the Academy of Performing Arts and later at the Leipzig Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Her repertoire includes pieces in various musical styles ranging from renaissance to contemporary works, and she particularly focuses on the organ works of Czech composers as well. She regularly performs abroad and in the Czech Republic, accompanying soloists, baroque ensembles and orchestras such as the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra, the National Theatre Orchestra in Prague, and the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, of which she is currently the director. She is also the founder and dramaturge of the J. C. Fischer International Music Festival and the Karlovy Vary Organ Evenings.

Church of Corpus Christi and the Grieving Virgin Mary
Behind the baroque altar, you will find the oldest preserved organ in Český Krumlov, about which we may say that it is completely original.