Primary school Plešivec
The primary school in Český Krumlov in the Plešivec housing estate was inaugurated on 3 September 1979. At that time, the school with 13 classrooms consisted of pavilions for 1st and 2nd grade, after-school education and catering, vocational classrooms and a gymnasium. In the 1980s it was merged with the Tavírna Primary School under the name of Plešivec Primary School. Currently, there are at least 20 classes in this educational establishment with more than 400 pupils and a teaching staff of almost 40.
The school has specialist classrooms for physics and chemistry, science, school workshops and art education. The art workshop includes a model room with all the necessary equipment, including an electric furnace. The primary school also has an information centre with a library, two classrooms equipped with computers and a mobile IPad classroom. The school also has a gymnasium, which is open in the evenings and at weekends for public use. There are also volleyball courts, a multi-purpose artificial turf pitch and an athletics track with a track and field. The sports complex also includes the first SmartUs interactive playground in the Czech Republic and a ski rental shop where the public can rent equipment in addition to pupils.
The Plešivec Primary School also runs after-school clubs and a school club. It also supports extracurricular activities with a number of special interest clubs, such as guitar, sports and health, science, volleyball, fashion making and art. Plešivecká Primary School also pays great attention to the integration of pupils with specific learning and behavioural disorders.