Svornosti Square, Český Krumlov
Český Krumlov’s Svornosti Square is located in the centre of the Old Town. It includes the 16th-century Town Hall and a plague column from 1716 with a statue of Our Lady of Immaculata and eight saints, the town’s patron saints and protectors against the plague. In the upper row there are statues of St. Wenceslas, St. Vitus, St. John the Evangelist, St. Judas Thaddeus and in the lower row St. Francis Xaversky, St. Sebastian, St. Cajetan and St. Roch. The Baroque sculptural decoration of the column is the work of the Prague sculptor Matěj Václav Jakel from 1714 to 1716.
Several buildings on Svornost’ Square have valuable stucco and painted decorations. The square plan of the square, the layout of the houses on its sides and the layout of the streets basically correspond to the state of the medieval founding of the town. The facades and interiors of the houses already bear traces of centuries of development.